Do you ever wonder what to do with the rind once you finish with your parmesan wedge? Well don’t throw away that rind, we will show you some easy ways to use up all that flavour.

Firstly what is parmesan rind?
A Parmesan rind is the outside shell of a cheese that forms during the aging process. As the air dries out the outer layer of the cheese, it solidifies and becomes a crust known as the rind. In general, cheese rinds occur naturally and are edible (a cheesemaker might choose to wrap a cheese in cloth or wax, which are not edible).
Parmesan cheese, or Parmigiano Reggiano, is an Italian hard, aged cheese that is an ingredient in dishes like risottos, pastas, and many others. Parmigiano Reggiano rinds are firm, smooth, and slightly greasy. Even though the rind is edible, it is very hard and sometimes gritty. It doesn’t grate well, but the Parmesan rind has other uses, particularly in soup or sauce recipes. When the rest of the cheese is gone, you can use the rind right away in another dish or keep it in the freezer to use later.
Here are 5 of our favorite ways to use up that rind.
That’s cheesy rind is perfect for making soups. Add your rind to your stock while it's still cold. This method works so well with Onion Soup, Minestrone, Chicken noodle or a chunky vegetable. Discard rind before serving.
Add that rind to your stock and let it simmer for 10 minutes. This will add a creamy depth to your risotto. Discard rind before serving.
This is a serious must try. In a jar add some rind, 2 cloves of garlic and cover with a good quality olive oil, I used cold pressed. Let marinate for 24 hours. This is great for salads & dipping with bread.
You can add in a parmesan rind to and Tomato base sauce for an added umami flavour, or add to a white sauce for a extra cheesy flavour. Let the rind simmer in your sauce for at least 15 minutes. Discard rind before serving.
A easy crowd favourite. Rinse your parmesan rinds and pat dry, in a microwave safe dish place rind facing down, microwave on high for 1 minute. Allow to cool before handling.
This is a great snack, add on top of salads or soups. (P.S. they will make a popping sound like popcorn a paper towel tent on top of your plate might be a good idea.)
PRO HACK: Store all your left-over rinds in a Ziploc bag in the fridge or freezer